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Get to know the team... Daphne

We felt it would be lovely to let you get to know our incredible team a little better... So we have introduced 'Friendly Friday'... And for the next few Friday's we will be interviewing another incredible member of the Craftmania Family.. Today, we have pinned down Daphne to pick her brains with some quick fire questions... Daphne is the brains behind Craftmania, her imagination and hard work have been the force behind Craftmania for over 20 years. Many of you may not know this, But Daphne is Jamie's Mum and business partner. 1 - What’s your favourite craft?


2 - What’s your favourite project you’ve completed?

My children...

3 - What craft have you tried and decided isn’t for you?

Iris Folding

4 - What’s your favourite top tip?

Store your ink pads upside down so the ink is at the top of the pad when you go to stamp.

5 - If you could only craft with 3 colours for the rest of your life… what would they be

Pink, Burgundy & Navy

6 - What’s the worst crafting mishap you’ve had? As I make all of Jamie's demo kits for the TV I am intrusted with the original cards to make the kits from. Not that long ago, while working to a tight deadline I accidently knocked over my tea, flooding the desk and drowning Jamie's original card so I then had to remake the original card and the card kit all from a very damp sample.

7 - How do you combat crafty brain fog? 

I have a browse on Facebook or YouTube.

8 - What colour do you tend to avoid while crafting? Yellow

9 - How would you describe your crafting style?

Lots of BLING!

10 - Go to card blank size?

10" x 7"

11 - Wet glue or double sided tape?

Wet glue.

12 - Gold or silver ?


13 - Favourite occasion/season to craft for?


14 - Favourite Die?

Daisy Blossoms - Pierced Flower. 15 - Favorite Product ? Wendy Vecchi - Make Art Ink Pads

16 - Where do you find inspiration? 

Everywhere, TV, Internet, Magazines.. Being inspired by other people's creations, you don't need to 'copy' - just be inspired.

17 - What’s your favourite crafty storage hack? I like to store essentials tools and go to products in a canvas hanging panel that I bought in a cheap shop, it is designed to organise shoes in your wardrobe I think, but the pockets make for perfect storage.

18 - A piece of helpful advice you would give a new crafter?

Just remember nothing's wasted, even if you do something wrong you can use it again for something.

19 - What’s your favourite craft tool/gadget?

It has to be my cutting machine.

20 - What’s next on your crafty wish list?

Scrapbooking sessions with all my family And for my shopping list, more Wendy Vecchi Ink pads

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