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Get to know the team... Ian

We felt it would be lovely to let you get to know our incredible team a little better... So we have introduced Friendly Friday... And for the next few Friday's we will be interviewing another incredible member of the Craftmania Family.. Today, we have pinned Ian down to pick his brains with some quick fire questions... Ian is one of our talented Design Team members... 1 - What’s your favourite craft?

Card making

2 - What’s your favourite project you’ve completed?

Christmas Chocolate Box - This Amazing Box Ian Created Holds 2 Galaxy Bars❤

We just happen to have a blog post of this incredible creation HERE

3 - What craft have you tried and decided isn’t for you?


4 - What’s your favourite top tip?

When stamping or using chalks, wear disposable gloves so not to mark your creation with dirty fingers.

5 - If you could only craft with 3 colours for the rest of your life… what would they be

Purple, Teal and Silver

6 - What’s the worst crafting mishap you’ve had?

A continuous one still and realising after finishing your card you have made it upside down

7 - How do you combat crafty brain fog?

I take a day away from my craft room and then go back in open minded and look for some inspiration

8 - What colour do you tend to avoid while crafting?

Navy Blue, I just don't seem to match colours with it

9- How would you describe your crafting style?


10 - Go to card blank size?

6" x 6"

11 - Wet glue or double sided tape?

Wet glue as I like wiggle room

12 - Gold or silver ?


13 - Favourite occasion/season to craft for?

Christmas, as always have Inspiration and could make cards for this occasion all year round

14 - Favourite Die?

Jamie Rodgers - Festive Collection Poinsettia Rings 15 - Favourite Product?

Stamping Platform

16 - Where do you find inspiration?

My head but if that fails, then YouTube

17 - What’s your favourite crafty storage hack?

Clear plastic A5 wallets filled with magnetic sheets for my dies and stored in clear plastic boxes in categories.

18 - A piece of helpful advice you would give a new crafter?

Don't feel you have to fill every blank piece of space on the card, sometimes less is more, and that space can allow the items on the card to be seen in all their glory, not lost in the crowd.

19 - What’s your favourite craft tool/gadget ?

Adhesive / residue rubber, for me it has saved a lot of cards and works wonders

20 - What’s next on your crafty wish list?

Thank you Ian so much for giving us a little insight in to your crafty mind and what helps you create your amazing cards. If you have any questions for Ian, pop them in the comments!

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