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Top Tip - Score Board Edition - Inky Lines

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

Ok, so this one is a slight variation on the tip I gave on my blog regarding using a Quickie glue pen to draw lines and add glitter…. You can call me a little slow if you wish lol… but it’s just hit me! If I can do this with a quickie glue pen… why not just use a normal bullet point pen to create pin stripe backgrounds! Now I know, of course you could do this with a rule… but I know it would move and I would end up with the most uneven lines in history lol.

With the scoreboard you stay within the line!

As you can see I’ve done a few lines to show you how it looks,

I’ve also included my first attempt that I have then used a light blue ink to stamp an image over the top of the lines (giving me New England vibes for some reason) - on a blue pen line background

I’ve also done a black pen - line background, stamped in black and gone to town with some airless misters over the top…,

Hopefully this gives you some fun ideas! I’m wondering about a red pen.. gold Pearl card? - nice for Christmas backgrounds… or red on white for candy canes maybe… ok I’ll stop waffling… but hope it helps!

Little tips to remember...... - If worried about getting pen on your board… put a larger piece of copier paper under your card so you can go off the edge without getting it on your board.

- Pen ink can stay wet a while so try not to smudge your lines as you go

- Always work on a larger piece of card than you need as the top and bottom of your lines may be a little more wobbly than the middle

- Don’t forget even if it goes terribly wobbly… or you fall out the groove… if you stamp over the top you can hide a multitude of sins with the distraction of the stamp/literally cover it with the stamp

- Hold the pen as vertical as possible so you don’t damage the nib (if you feel you are applying too much pressure to the pen)

- Remember the ink needs time to flow through the pen lol… you may be in the habit of scoring a line with your score tool in seconds, with a pen… you’ll be able to do a few lines this quickly.. but by the 4th or the 5th it’ll need time for the ink to head back down to the tip. Here's a couple of cards I have created with the panels...

I hope you enjoy this post, please share your creations with us in our group using this tip...

Jamie -x-

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